Saturday 3 January 2009

9. Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles

With vocalist, Alice Glass, being tagged as the coolest person in music, thanks to the NME, it's perhaps somewhat surprising that more people don't know about Crystal Castles. Such a tag and being named after an 1980's video game all seems very "scene" and pretentious but it just so happens that Glass and her partner in crime, Ethan Kath have made a damn fine album.

On first listen it isn't the easiest of albums to listen to. It sounded like an alarm went off whilst playing Mario on my old Gameboy with some perserverence and with the exception of maybe two or three songs, Crystal Castles have made a very strong album. "Alice Practice" and "XXZCUZX ME" are what some people might call experimental electro but the fact is that the mellower tracks that stand out.

As electronic music starts to take a foothold in the indie world, much of it blends into one and Crystal Castles are truly the pioneers of the electro world despite principle perceptions do not conform to the fashionable electro movement at the moment.

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